New Forest Books is an indie publishing house and consulting firm. We help authors publish their own books—fiction and nonfiction—in a variety of categories.
The following are among the authors we’ve been honored to work with.
Modern authors
Our modern-day authors and artists represent various current interests and historical topics. They’re listed alphabetically by surname.

Dace Allen – Mr. Allen has joined the New Forest family as Sarah Skye’s co-author.
Previously known for his New Age books and “ET” theories, we look forward to his future books.

Sharon Allingham – Ms. Allingham’s book, Natural Home Remedies for Constipation, has been well-received in the whole-body health and Ayurvedic communities.
She’s now in private practice, specializing in cleanses and natural approaches to toxins in the body.

Shannon Bowen – Shannon joins us after the success of her first diary-style books, Momma, Don’t Hit Me, and Momma, Stop! I’ll Be Good!
She continues her efforts to improve awareness of child abuse.
She is NOT the fiction author publishing under the same name.
Fiona Broome – Ms. Broome writes about paranormal topics. She describes herself as a “blip analyst,” using history and statistics to study anomalies of all kinds: haunted places, faeries, UFOs, cryptozoology, and—the term she popularized starting in 2009—the Mandela Effect.
We’ve published several of her books, including her Mandela Effect Memories series. Currently, Ms. Broome is devoting her time to research, as well as working on a new book.

Jake Camden – Jake is a perpetual grad student writing ghost stories from his condo in Vermont. His first book with us is The Amityville Haunting of Carl Fitch.
Abigail Clark – Abby is a first-time author with her book, The Haunting of Obedience, co-authored with Jake Camden. Like Jake, Abby spends most of her time in Vermont.
Aisling D’Art – Since 1995, she’s been a leader in paper and mixed media arts, teaching at Art & Soul, Art Unraveled, Artfest, and Celebrate Art. Today, she’s creating art in her studio, and relaunching her coloring books for adults. Her website is

Marcus Luft – The Rev. Mr. Luft writes from a profoundly Christian standpoint. His first book, Petrus Romanus – Exposed, is a rebuttal to work by Sarah Skye and Dace Allen. His second book was an expansive version of The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards. Marcus Luft is a dedicated Christian with an informal ministry.

Lesley Marden—Lesley is one of New England’s most respected psychic mediums and paranormal investigators. We’re honored to have published her autobiography, Medium, Rare. That’s Lesley in the smiling photo on the left. Her website is
Marcus McAllister—M. McAllister is a remarkable artist, as shown by his website, Dreambelly Fragments. We were honored to publish some of Marcus’ early art books and are delighted that he’s continued to expand his work in many media.

Misty Midnight – Misty is working on paranormal adventures for middle-grade and young-adult readers.
Maddie Montrose – Maddie writes erotic parodies and “lite” romantic erotica for adults, and now under her own label. We wish her continued success.
Eibhlin Morey MacIntosh – Eibhlin is an artist, one of the co-founders of this publishing house, and an occasional author.
John Sabol – Mr. Sabol is an archaeologist, cultural anthropologist, actor and “ghost excavator.” In August 2012, after publishing several books with us, including The Re-Hauntings of Gettysburg, Haunting Archaeologies, Digging Up Ghosts, and The Haunted Theatre, he launched his own publishing company, Ghost Excavation Books, Inc. We wish him the best of luck.

Sarah Skye – Ms. Skye is a New England friend and long-time freelance journalist. She’s a history enthusiast and loves to travel.
Most of Sarah’s books focus on New Age interests.

F. B. Stevens – Ms. Stevens identifies as a witch, uses pronouns she/her, and writes books related to esoteric topics.
Her interests include some of the most unusual topics we’ve published.

Ruth E. Taylor—We published Rue’s ghostly travel guide to her hometown of Tilton, NH (USA). After completing an advanced degree in English Literature, she’s continued her travel writing. We’re proud to have been part of her earliest writing projects.
Joan Verch-Rhys – An art historian, Ms. Verch-Rhys is producing a line of coloring books for adults. Her first series with us, Coloring the Classics, includes mandalas and other coloring pages based on art of the 19th century and earlier. Like several of our authors, she’s a member of The Coloring Group.

Anna Weimar is the author of clean, sweet, Amish romances set in the fictional community of Harmony, Florida. Her first series is The Amish Bed & Breakfast.
Steve Wells – Mr. Wells is one of the world’s most recognizable photographers with a distinctive style and flair for originality. We were delighted to produce his first book, A Table, and eagerly follow his career at his website,
Classic authors
Our classic authors include some of the most interesting and profound thinkers from past eras.

Hereward Carrington – Mr. Carrington (1880 – 1958) is remembered as one of the most innovative researchers in the fields of paranormal studies and Spiritualist philosophy.
Our reprints of his books include Problems of Psychical Research, available only in the U.S. due to the terms of his copyrights.
Sir Walter Scott – Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet of Abbotsford (1771 – 1832) is among Scotland’s most beloved novelists and poets, and remains popular to this day.
Best known for works such as Rob Roy, Ivanhoe and Lady of the Lake, Scott dedicated considerable time to the study of paranormal folklore, particularly those related to ghosts, demons and faeries.
Our reprints of his paranormal works include Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft.